Golden’s Day Dreamer with the exclusive Power Pillow™ provides the ultimate in position control. Recline back and adjust your head and neck using the exclusive powered head pillow. MaxiComfort combined with the Power Pillow™ offers maximum comfort options.
Exclusive Power Pillow™ for Ultimate Head Positioning
- 375 lb. weight capacity
- Patented MaxiComfort® recline technology standard
- Exclusive AutoDrive™ hand control for easy operation
- Customized Comfort – Lock in “YOUR” Favorite Comfort Position
- Whisper-quiet dual motors for independent backrest and seat operation
- Full Chaise Pad Support for Total Body Comfort
- Superior Leg Extension
- Anti-skid, adjustable leg levelers for enhanced stability
- SmartTek® inside – patented diagnostic system
- Industry Best Warranty!
Proudly Made by Americans ( with domestic & imported materials)
Golden Features:
- AutoDrive Programmable Remote
- Extra Pocket: Standard
- Power Pillow: Standard
Fabric Options:
Standard options available for Quick Ship.
*Upcharge applies

Standard options available with extended lead time.
*Upcharge applies.

Product Size: Medium
- Weight Capacity: 375 lbs.
- Overall Width: 38.5"
- Overall Height: 45"
- Width Between Arms: 22.5"
- Distance Required From Wall Reclined: 22"
Warranty Information:
Electrical Parts: 3 years
- Electrical Labor: 1 year
- Mechanical Labor: 3 years
- Pro Rated: Years 4 thru 7
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